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Pi Fb In Fl

Photographs by Clients – July/12

Photograph by Adolfo Bernard. Bernard is a Park Ranger at Tortuguero National Park. He photographed this Jaguar eating a green turtle.

Photograph by Adolfo Bernard. Bernard is a Park Ranger at Tortuguero National Park. He photographed this beautiful wild orquid at Barra del Colorado National Park.

Amazing wildlife photography by people that have learned or practiced photography with me, my client friends. This gallery is particularly amazing: Costa Rica, Africa and Cuba!

Photograph by Donna Turner during her Africa trip. Masaii women in Amboseli, Kenya. All the women had their heads shaved.

Photograph by Donna Turner during her Africa Trip. A day old zebra in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. Zebras are born with brown fuzzy hair on their backs

Photograph by Donna Turner during her Africa Trip. Lilac breasted roller in Amboseli, Kenya. Amazing coloration.

Photograph by Donna Turner during her Africa Trip. King of the Beasts in the Masaii Mara, Kenya.

Photograph by Donna Turner during her Africa Trip. Cheetah just getting up from nap in Masai Mara, Kenya.

Photograph by Dorothy Hawley. Many layers of Havana, Cuba.

Photography by Dorothy Hawley. Sea grapes along the southern coast of Cuba west of Cienfuegos.

Photograph by Dorothy Hawley. Apartment house in Havana.

Photograph by Dorothy Hawley. Women selling table linens near Valle de los Ingenios (Valley of the Sugar Mills) near Trinidad Cuba.

Photograph by Dorothy Hawley. Fishermen on a Sunday morning in Havana.

Photograph by Terry Turner. Herd of adult females and one very large male elephant in Amboseli, Kenya.

Photograph by Terry Turner. Schoolboy in Masaii Village, Amboseli, Kenya. They were learning English.

Photograph by Terry Turner. Lonely gazelle. No other animal within 100 yards, Serengeti, Tanzania.

Photograph by Terry Turner. Springbok in Serengeti, Tanzania. We watched him effortlessly hop around on big rocks.

Photograph by Terry Turner. Young giraffe in Masaii Mara, Kenya. They were heading towards their moms.