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Pi Fb In Fl

Overexpose. Sobre expuesto

Hello there!
It has been a while… I was on a trip with an Inter generational Digital Photography tour organized by Elderhostel. A totally new experience. Teaching grandparents and grandchildren at once was interesting… not as difficult as I imagined (probably because I had a very smart group! right guys?).
We traveled around Costa Rica: northern low lands, Talamanca Mountain Range highlands, and central pacific. A lot of different activities and sights!
On our first stop we went to Irazú Volcano National Park, and then to the Lankerster Botanical Garden. There I took some time to take some photos that will exemplified the concept of Exposure Compensation. So I choose a couple of subjects and underexposed it from -2 till I over exposed to +3. And it turns out that I loved the +3 results. And then spent the rest of the trip trying to find different subjects that will look good overexposed that much… And here are the results… What do you think? Interesting creative tool, right?
Disculpen que esté tan perdida… estaba de viaje con un grupo Intergeneracional de Fotografía Digital organizado por Elderhostel. Una experiencia totalmente nueva. Enseñar a abuelos y nietos al mismo tiempo fue muy interesante… no tan difícil como pensé (probablemente porque tenía un grupo muy bueno, verdad amigos?).
Viajamos bastante por Costa Rica: llanuras del norte, zona alta de la Cordillera de Talamanca y pacífico central. ¡Un montón de actividades diferentes y de vistas diferentes!
En nuestra primera parada fuimos al Parque Nacional Volcán Irazú y luego al Jardín Botánico Lankester. Ahí aproveché para preparar unas imágenes que me ayudaran a explicar el concepto de compensación de la exposición. Entonces, escogí un par de sujetos y los subexpuse desde -2 hasta sobreexponerlo a +3. Y resultó que me encantó el resultado de +3. Así que pasé el resto del viaje buscando diferentes sujetos que se vieran bien tan sobreexpuestos… Y estos son los resultados… ¿Qué les parece? Una herramienta creativa interesante, verdad?

Flowers at the edge of the crater of the Irazú Volcano

Flowers at the edge of the crater of the Irazú Volcano

Orchid at the botanical garden. It was photographed against the sky.

Orchid at the botanical garden. It was photographed against the sky.

Herons on a boat ride at Tárcoles River.

Herons on a boat ride at Tárcoles River, Central Pacific coast.

HUGE grasshoper at the northern low lands (on a school play grounds). It was under a shade and it was photographed agains a bright grass area.

HUGE grasshoper at the northern low lands (on a school play grounds). It was under a shade and it was photographed agains a bright grass area.


  • lelandcedar

    July 9, 2009

    oooh, i like. me gusta mucho la flor y los pajaritos. el fondo blanco se ve bien. i hadn’t thought that overexposing could work like that.

  • Aleigha

    July 25, 2009

    I had an amazing time aswell Monica! I absolutely loved the trip, and I’m really going to miss you!!! Oh and I really like the flowers from Irazu! 🙂

  • Magda

    August 30, 2009

    oh Monica love the orchid and the grasshopper, even though i like my pictures low key (that’s what you said i’m supposed to say :)) they’re great! miss you!

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